· ·. My battery life was at 100%. Perma-block. Anonymous shared this idea · June 13, 2018 · Report…. Desktop/Web Access to Grindr. But then if you ARE paying for Grindr, it's also out of order that just because somebody paid a tiny fee to appear at the top of your grindr grid, then your experience is. . · ·. 1,549 votes. Show previous admin responses (1) Tweet. I'm paying for a service that Grindr does not provide. We need to be able to report them even after they block us, so we have a better chance of stopping them! Otherwise, the app is literally permitting illegal conduct to continue and refusing to offer any moderation or protection for its users, which is criminally negligent. Or maybe someone looking for strictly friends only doesn't want to be seen by anyone who isn't also looking for new friends. (Currently, unpaid users just get a single, generic. jpg 266 KB Screenshot_20210707-081735_Scruff. I had to contact their technical support who suggested I deactivated my account in an attempt to resolve the issue. There's an age filter that filters the age I'm looking for. 2 days ago · July 20, 2023 10:00 PM EDT. To help weed out the spam users, fakes, and flakes, grindr should have some sort or rating system for 2 things. Now you can't tell if someone has been off for 2 days or for months. Let’s also include filters for: mental health, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, psoriasis, acne, physical disabilities, depression, high cholesterol, etc, etc. Hi all, I just got banned while talking to a mate on Grindr. as this would help users to rectify any. Even if they unblock you they will still be blocked from your side. this is illegal. Grindr Team (Team, Grindr) shared this idea · June 07, 2018 · Report…. Just make it forbidden to screenshot in the app at all. So I was paying £100 for unlimited for a year. As someone who had their life turned upside down from a very problematic person who used Grindr (in combination with any other location based app) as the main tool to persecute and abuse my rights, gather evidence, jump to conclusions and spread misinformation amongst many other tactics who's sole purpose was to be punitive, I can. People think that you are rude for not answering, when in reality you are not online. I have to close the app and re-open it every 3-5 minutes because my phone and the app become completely unusable. Sometimes I want to search for Asians for example,, and if there is this option, it will make my search much easier to find. To help weed out the spam users, fakes, and flakes, grindr should have some sort or rating system for 2 things. 2. 8EB00E50-0C67-4EF6-B5E3-5514FF8C6107. Android let's you change anything you want. Distance Controls. If the locked album icon is shown, the app does not allow you to scroll down to the rest of the profile. Protect peoples privacy. . Add option to deactivate moving ads. Anonymous shared this idea · June 11, 2018 · Report…. Do the ratings by stars or a 1-10 scale. Taking screenshots and screen recording should be strictly blocked while one is using grindr. Cameron Russell shared this idea · June 11, 2018 · Report…. Anonymous shared this idea · June 13, 2018 · Report…. Not at all You must login first!Please bundle our new unread messages under one main notification, which can be pulled down (expanded) to view the individual messages grouped under it. Add private note to favorited profiles. · ·. After closing the app, the profile remains online for 10 minutes. Let’s just filter each other to the point that Grindr has no guys to suggest to us. Delivery & read receipt reliability improvements. I hope you could work on this. Don’t allow anyone to screenshot them at all. 3. Grindr was not running. Vengeful Toaster: there’s the option to unsend messages 😉. Of course when I trued to redeem or reinstate the original price, Grindr said No. please make grindir compatible with Huawei without Google, best in the Huawei app gallery, it's a real pity that you ignore this request. This is annoying when I’m using the app in the evening in a quiet moment or somewhere where there isn’t ambient noise that is loud enough to blend in with the sounds from the app. Include each sender’s profile picture and display name, and allow us to reply to each sender individually, within the notification. there should be one button that either party hits confirming they are meeting (this would also help track down the hate crime on here). jpg 359 KB Screenshot_20210707-081752_Scruff. No warning. jpg 627. This is all but ridiculous! I've been using the app for, I don't remember how long now - 6+ years maybe, as it's still not possible to check account creation date despite my feedback to Grindr on the subject months ago - and their. Not at all You must login first!Grindr app is auto clearing chats, and blocking profiles. basically, all the common sense shit that we know grindR runs contrary against in its day to day operationsGrindr Web is a browser based version of the world's largest dating app for gay, bi, trans, and queer people. I am Asian, and I would like to have the ethnicity filter option back. · ·. 7,788 votes. There is a bug in the implementation of the new album feature. Screenshot_20210125-130040_Photos~3. The look on my exes’ face when hearing the STANDARD boodoobum after we just broke up Is not a pleasant one when we live together I literally get so anxious his scorpio ♏️ ass gone be petty as fuck and bring someone home to fuck with me POV: your trapped in a lease w/ the ex. I would like warnings on such drastic action please. If you don't pay for xtra or unlimited, you only have a certain number of available people on the grid anyway so having them taken up by people who are 3 miles away is shit. Both side must have equal opportunity but the person who wants to block someone has opportunity to screenshot all communications and pictures without other side knows what is going on and suddenly he is out. This is unacceptable. The list goes on, it doesn’t have to be inappropriate videos that we share. Please restore ethnicity filter. When you block a person, the chat and your profile should disappear from the other person's chat and profile as. The status of a sent message is supposed to change from Sent to Delivered if the recipient has the app open, but many. if they suspend or cancel your grindr xtra account, they will not refund the balance money that has been paid in advance. jpg 136 KB Screenshot_20210516-030428_Grindr. Please add Grindr on Huawei app. jpg 106 KB Screenshot_20210707-081720_Scruff. There are a lot of grindr users with huawei devices yet they cannot even access it because of google services. No download required. A way to log into/use your Grindr profile from PC would be nice. Separate app for "Trans". Yes, i totally agree with this beaut idea. In the new beta version, saved profiles show up as "offline" if they haven't been on in the last 24 hours. Anonymous shared this idea · March. The 24 period is way too short. More than enough with the pic collectors. If you’re like me and have used Grindr for years, your favorites list might be full of Offline profiles. · ·. Anonymous shared this idea · October 25, 2020 ·. Bottom line the volume buttons on. Free Discreet App Icon. 1- if the person flaked or showed up 2- Did they send pics that. Or at least who has me on their favorite list from my favorite list. As a "minority", I don't think the filter option is racist. they keep the money. No matter if I have my iPhone volume on high, medium, or low, the sound effects from Grindr remain at the full volume setting. i paid for three months in advance, got suspended after the first month and they didn't refund my money for the remaining two months. Block users need to be blocked permanently. Ia Su shared this. png 186 KB. 30 days was better. Raul AP shared this idea · December 09, 2021 · Report…. Any pictures shared on the app should be private the same way the temporary one are. It is misleading. Breach of contract?? Reported to customer service but no one respondsone caveat: grindR MUST make this nudge to verify identity, both, highly visible and persistent until / unless a user accepts or rejects the proposal; and, grindR must make it difficult to accidentally dismiss the prompt. Out of the blue. Reviews/Rating/Flake. grindr. Cleared Cache, Forced Stop, Uninstalled, Re-installed, nothing works. There should be an age filter of the age the others are looking for. My profile had not changed and in my mind did not overtly break the guidelines. Battery life dropped to 99% after 16 minutes of use (internet, email). A guy on Grindr commented · July 27, 2020 12:15 · Report. Some of the other apps have web versions and it would be especially handy to be able to use Grindr from web browser when your phone is charging or if you lose/break it. Anyone that seems opposed to the idea of stopping or showing who screenshot your photos must be a photo collector themselves. Help others find you by giving out your username, or vice versa. Let me change. It’s truly shocking how tone deaf the gay community can frequently be. Like on the iPhone, in the message tab have a search bar at the top where you can search all conversations for key words. It would be nice to be able to send videos through chat. jpg 20 KB. are petitioning to unionize, extending a wave of organizing among tech. Having the ability to create a list of contacts and being able to name it in a personalized way will help to remember the guys I have talked to. Not at all You must login first!More accurate online status - Go offline when closing the app. Actually, they should not be able to unblock you, if you have the setting enabled. In the case of profiles that have a locked album and no profile pictures, this makes it impossible to ever see the rest of the profile even if it is filled out. When the profile is unblocked it will show up in favourite list even though the profile was offline for over 2 hours. It's wrong to mix Transgender women with Gay men, while they're going for a female version of themselves and gay men seeking the same sex and so I believe it is highly inappropriate to mix trans women with Gay men and there should be a separate app specifically for trans women and men interested in femininity. It was a promotional offer. No warning, no explanation, no nothing. Screenshot_20220710-205713. Richard J. Not at all You must login first! Important You must login first! Critical You must login first! completed · September 10, 2019. Chat faster. Unable to refresh. It would be really nice to know who has me on his favorite list, like a checkmark on the profiles or something that, so I could identify them. Video ads cause severe lag. grindr is making a profit off suspended acounts. My only complaint is when you log out your profile stays on the grid for at least 20mins even after is says your offline And I am a paying member . And likewise for users who see me so we don’t waste our time viewing people outside of our desired location radius. When talking with too many guys is difficult to keep up with the pace. Unique username / profile ID. very annoying. Browse bigger. Making the Discreet App Icon a free feature rather than a premium option would make a strong statement in support of people who might not be out of the closet. A supermajority of the roughly 100 eligible employees of the LGBTQ+ dating app Grindr have signed union representation cards seeking to unionize to ensure the. Your comunication is your right no one should delete it only you can. It's easier to find someone looking for my age range. E mployees at the LGBTQ dating company Grindr Inc. Screenshot_20220526-032453_Grindr. Out of 52 messages 48 where spam hookers or trans all fake All fake pictures . Since Grindr has a bug that kicks you off the app and won’t let you in until you delete and reinstall the app, I’m finding myself backing up chats almost every other day, sometimes making a mistake and backing up my inbox that has nothing in it. Not at all You must login first!Gays don't need more things to feel anxious about!! Common Grindr, do something positive! Limiting_my_time_on_grindr commented · September 01, 2019 08:51 · Report Report · · I paid for the Extra subscription so shouldn't your team finds other ways to stick the new Unlimited subscription in our faces other than making it an advert itself and. Meaning that I only want to see users who are within a set distance from me. This used to be 30 days, and you could see if someone has been on in the last few weeks. jpg 214 KB. I force closed Grindr and my battery life has held at 87% for four minutes now, including while typing this comment. It would be great if there was an easier way to mass select and remove favorites to make it easier to update and manage your favorites list. Anonymous shared this idea · June 12, 2018 · Report…. what it you gave them your address and felt unsafe. After being a long-standing user of Grindr, making use of all it has to offer in a respectful and honest way, two days ago my account got randomly banned. I launched Grindr and in less than 3 minutes I watched my battery life drop to 87%. 3,404 votes. The message status should update to "Delivered" once it has been delivered, and to "Read" once it's been opened. Simply, if someone blocks you, then you will automatically block them. Should be instant when you log out your profile should be off the grid . With this kind of control over who can see you, users can avoid unwanted contact with other. as for some reason since i installed grindr on my laptop i cant use my grindr on my samsung s8 anymore,so now with only being able to use the laptop im unsure of whom ive had prevous communications with or there name etc. The fact that the backup feature doesn’t let you go two backups ago isn’t fair when this. 2,006 votes. (Shareable profiles) 2,680 votes. A · October 30, 2022 23:13 ·. The ads pre-load in the background and cause Grindr to freeze up and/or severely lag. jpeg 402 KB. Allow a user to be able to set distance parameter for whom they are seeing. Scandola commented · July 18, 2022 20:11 ·. 1st time = warning, 2nd time = ban. I’m being harassed and stalked by the same person who just keeps making new profiles and pretending to be someone. For example, maybe a University professor doesn't want to be seen by anyone under 21 so they can avoid their students. . Fix the message delivery status and read receipt bugs. Not at all You must login first!Unsend message, photo, and location. Search messages. Most of the videos that many people would like to share are probably traveling, cooking, hiking, nature, vacation, pet, sports videos. It offers me choices.